About the Photographer

Doug Dance was born in Trenton, Ontario Canada and now resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Doug earned his Honors Bachelor of Science (HBSc) degree in Geology from the University of Western Ontario before embarking on a twenty-five year career in the IT industry. More recently, Doug has been pursuing his passion as a professional nature and wildlife photographer.

A childhood interest in nature was rekindled in 1990 when Doug first visited Yellowstone National Park. His ongoing fascination with the ways of the wilderness eventually led to a yearlong adventure in the park, which culminated in his first book titled ‘For the Love of Yellowstone’.

After more than two decades dedicated to photographing the wonders of Yellowstone, Doug has been focusing his attention on subjects that are closer to home. The boreal forest, and the creatures that live there, are of special interest to Doug as he pursues his creative endeavors.

Currently, Doug is devoting much of his time into research that leverages the principles of natural Climate Change, in an effort to discover new ways to counter the adverse impacts of human-caused Climate Change.